General Knowledge MCQs
Which of the following Forts is known as ‘The Great Wall of Sindh’?

A. Naukot Fort
B. Bukkur Fort
C. Schwan Fort
D. Ranikot Fort

What is meaning of “Autophobia”?

A. Fear of automobiles
B. Fear of traffic
C. Fear of being alone
D. Fear of birds

Catalonia is a region of which country?

A. Spain
B. Chile
C. Cuba
D. Germany

Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles. Great Britain is also a political entity consisting of following autonomous countries including?

A. England and Scotland
B. Wales and Scotland
C. England, Wales and Scotland
D. Great British itself is an island country

Grasslands found in Africa are called?

A. Prairies
B. Steppes
C. Savannah
D. Pampass

Sea of Galilee is located in which country?

A. Lebanon
B. Israel
C. Jordan
D. Syria

The last King of Afghanistan was____________?

A. Habib ullah Khan
B. Muhammad Zahir Shah
C. Sardar Daud Khan
D. Aman ullah Khan

Which G-20 member countries did not attend the G20 Kashmir summit 2023?

A. Saudi Arabia
B. Turkey
C. China
D. All of these