Pakistan shares longest border with
  • A. Iran
  • B. India
  • C. Afghanistan
  • D. China
Accounting equation is defined as
  • A. Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity
  • B. Liabilities = Short term liabilities + current assets
  • C. Liabilities = Fixed assets – current assets                                                            D.  None of these
Current assets include
  • A. Debtors
  • B. Stocks
  • C. Patents
  • D. Both A and B
Home trade does not involve:
  • A. Whole seller
  • B. Retailer
  • C. Producer
  • D. Importer
An unauthorized contract between a purported agent and a third party that is not ratified by the “principal” is binding on the
  • A. “Agent” only.
  • B. “Principal” only
  • C. Both on the agent and the principle.
  • D. None of the above
The liabilities of a partnership may include
  • A. Amounts owed to partners for their capital contributions
  • B. loans to the partnership
  • C. Amount that a partner may owe to another partner
  • D. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
Loss of goods by fire should be credited to
  • A. Loss of goods by fire in account
  • B. Sales account
  • C. Purchases account
  • D. Bad debts account
In the accounting cycle
  • A. Books are closed before making financial statements
  • B. Closing entries are made before the adjusting entries
  • C. Adjusting entries are made before financial statements are made
  • D. None of the above
How many members are in FATF?
  • A. 32
  • B. 35
  • C. 49
  • D. None of above