Major Thinkers in Psychology
Major Thinkers in Psychology Subcategories
Major Thinkers in Psychology
Who advocated the philosophical approach called idealism understanding society?

A. August Comte
B. Max Weber
C. George Simmel
D. Robert Park

According to john Watson. introspection was_________?

A. a valid method of research
B. unscientific
C. the cornerstone of behaviorism
D. the study of the mind in use

Who carried out a study on ethnicity in schools?

A. Celia Wright
B. lan Wright
C. Cecil Wright
D. Murdock

Who differentiated among enculturation, transculturation and acculturation?

A. R. Linton
B. Herskovits
C. G. H. Mead
D. M. Mead

Who wrote time on the cross”?

A. R.W. Fogel, and S.L. Engerman
B. Sydeny E. Ahlstrom
C. Max Weber
D. None of these

Who is humanistic psychologist?

A. Sigmund Freud
B. Abraham Maslow
C. B.F. Skinner
D. John Watson

Which kind of therapy developed by Freud is called?

A. Gestalt therapy
B. Psychoanalysis
C. behavior modification
D. S-R therapy

One of Simmel’s major contributions was an emphasis on the:

A. social facts
B. issues of politics and religion
C. Forms of association
D. use of language

Where did Freud spent most of his life?

A. Vienna
B. Zurich
C. Berlin
D. Prague

In Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, food was the:

A. conditioned response
B. unconditioned stimulus
C. conditioned stimulus
D. unconditioned response