Personality Subcategories
Which of the following is NOT one of the dimensions in Cattell’s 18 Personality Factors are (18PF)?

A. Forthright-shrewd
B. Placid-Neurotic
C. Undisciplined-controlled
D. Tough-minded-tender-minded

Maslow most clearly interjected his own personal values into his study of self-actualized individuals by:

A. using projective tests to assess their motives
B. using free association and dream analysis
C. interpreting their flattering self-description as a self-serving bias
D. selectively studying people with qualities he admired

The best indicator of a person’s level of optimism is his or her:

A. ideal self
B. gender identity
C. unconditional positive regard
D. attributional style

Which of the following learning mechanisms does B.F. Skinner see as being the major means by which behavior is learned?

A. classical conditioning
B. operant conditioning
C. observational learning
D. insight learning

In the Nurture Assumption, Judith Harris argues that the evidence indicates that family environment has_______on children’s personalities.

A. largely positive effects
B. largely negative effects
C. surprisingly little effect
D. a powerful effect

Identify the FALSE statement relating to affects, from those given below:

A. The way we feel can determined by immediate responses to situations as they occur
B. The way we feel can be determined by immediate responses to situations as they occur
C. Feeling angry anxious or happy might impact on any of the other types of cognition, changing the way we respond
D. A dispositionally calm person will not become anxious even when the elevator they are travelling in becomes stuck between floors

The id, is to pleasure principle as.

A. superego is to repetition principle
B. ego is to reality principle
C. ego is repetition principle
D. ego is executive principle