Psychology Mcqs
Psychology Mcqs Subcategories
Psychology Mcqs
Which test of memory typically provides the fewest retrieval cues?

A. recognition
B. recall
C. relearning
D. rehearsal

Central traits _____________?

A. Were suggested by a behaviorist to explain behavior
B. Organize and control behavior across many situations
C. Are more situations specific than they are secondary traits
D. Are seen in growth-oriented individuals

The four main goals of psychological research are ____________?

A. description, experimentation, prediction and control
B. description, explanation, assessment and manipulation
C. description, prediction, assessment and manipulation
D. description, explanation, control and validity

Sir Francis Galton greatly contributed to the field of psychology by developing the __________________?

A. first laboratory
B. phrenology movement
C. early neuro-anatomy procedures
D. first sensory-motor psychological tests

The German word “Gestalt” means ____________?

A. random combination
B. whole form
C. conscious perception
D. unconscious illusion

One of the following is not a monocular depth cue ______________?

A. Interposition
B. Relative moment
C. Convergence
D. Accommodation