International Regimes
International Regimes Subcategories
International Regimes
What is anomie?

A. It is a situation in which rules are not being followed
B. It is a system in which there are no norms or rules
C. Anarchy
D. Both b and c

What provides an escape route to the prisoner’s dilemma?

A. A hegemon
B. The shadow of the future
C. An information-rich environment
D. All of the above

why is reciprocity important for facilitating regime formation?

A. Because it is the major mechanism for establishing and maintaining a regime in the absence of a hegemon, since it deters actors from defecting
B. Because forming a regime needs much cooperation
C. Because following the golden rule puts all actors in the same situation
D. None of the above

Define a regime?

A. A country with a constitution
B. Delineated area of rule-governed activity
C. A set of implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules and decision making, procedures around which actors expectations converge in a given area of international relations
D. b and c

What are Krasner’s four principle elements of a regime?

A. Principles are represented by coherent bodies of theoretical statements about how the world works ii. norms specify general standards of behaviour iii. rules operate at a lower level of generality than principles and norms iv. Decision making procedure
B. Rules are coherent with the way of life of its actors ii. representatives are elected democratically iii. there is a legal system iv. rule-enforcement is under supervision of police military institutions
C. ‘the concept of the regime is so complicated, there are no principle elements’
D. None of the above

Define public ‘goods’ and public ‘bads’.

A. Public goods are those in which unrestrained market competition is not effective (i.e. hospitals). Public bads are the result unrestrained market competition (i.e. pollution)
B. Public goods are those goods that are free for the public. Public bads are those that are extremely expensive
C. Public goods are positive intangible sentiments widespread in the public (i.e. happiness, pride, nationalism). Public bads are negative attributes that are widespread in the public (i.e. violence, crime)
D. All of the above