Culture in World Affairs
Culture in World Affairs Subcategories
Culture in World Affairs
What are the main features of ‘Western’ culture?

A. Belief in universal rationality
B. Progress through empirical science
C. Goals involving mastery of nature
D. All of the above

For Huntington, the ‘clash of civilizations’ has drawn from?

A. the relative decline of the West.
B. a population explosion in the Muslim world and resurgence of Islam.
C. the impact of expansion and transnational flows resulting from globalization
D. all of the above

What are the main features of a culture?

A. Customs and norms
B. History and religion
C. Language and ethnicity
D. All of the above

What was the effect of the 1978-9 Iranian Revolution?

A. A populist Islamic movement overthrew a powerful secular state
B. The revolution caused the Iran-Iraq war
C. The language of Jihad and martyrdom had been vindicated
D. All of the above