Forest Types and Geographical Distribution
Forest Types and Geographical Distribution Subcategories
Forest Types and Geographical Distribution
Tropical littoral and swamp forests is/are:

A. Tidal Swamp Forests
B. Littoral Grassland
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

Dry sub-tropical broad-leaved forests having:

A. Low forest of branchy trees forming a canopy
B. Varying in density from complete closure
C. Under the most favourable conditions to scattered single trees or groups on the driest sites
D. Typically field in with a shrub growth which similarly varies in density

The conifers generally form a fairly complete forest cover of good height is:

A. 22 to 44 m
B. 24 to 46 m
C. 26 to 48 m
D. 28 to 50 m

The chief coniferous species are:

A. Pinus wallichiana
B. Cedrus deodara
C. Piecea smithiana
D. Abies pindrow

Dry temperate forests depict:

A. The canopy is only rarely closed
B. Is often formed of widely spaced
C. Free-standing
D. Low-branching trees