Accidents in chemical plants are mostly due to___________________?
A. Inadequate equipment design
B. Faulty operating procedures
C. Improper layout of the equipments
D. Failure of equipments

Correct Option: B. Faulty operating procedures

Which statement is true about mufti?
A. He refused to accept the existence of Jewish state
B. He accepted the partition of Palestine
C. He accepted the existence of a Jewish state
D. None of these

Correct Option: A. He refused to accept the existence of Jewish state

They show response to cold and warmth:
A. Photoreceptors
B. Nociceptors
C. Chemoreceptors
D. Thermoreceptors

Correct Option: D. Thermoreceptors

The pollutants like phenol, Na and Hg can be removed from water by technique/s such as:
A. Reverse osmosis
B. Electrodialysis
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

Correct Option: C. Both (a) & (b)

Long-term potentiation and long-term depression are processes demonstrating that:
A. Experience can modify a neuron’s responses
B. Experience can modify a person’s potential
C. Experience can modify a person’s mental health
D. Experience cannot modify a neuron’s responses

Correct Option: A. Experience can modify a neuron’s responses

Composition of natural gas is determined by the_________________?
A. Haldane apparatus
B. Mass spectrometer
C. Chromatograph
D. Both B. and C.

Correct Option: D. Both B. and C.

One of the following is sometimes inappropriately called luteotropic hormone:
A. Follicle stimulating hormone
B. Luteinizing hormone
C. Prolactin
D. None of these

Correct Option: C. Prolactin

When Jimmy Carter (President of USA) administration cut off the military and economic aid to Pakistan?
A. September 1977
B. October 1977
C. November 1977
D. December 1978

Correct Option: C. November 1977

Watershed regions of Pakistan is/are:
A. Which are sufficiently homogeneous in themselves
B. But distinct from each other in two major characteristics i.e., land form and climate, the factors which mainly determine the framework for watershed management
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

Correct Option: C. Both (a) & (b)

The abbreviation MPN stand for:
A. Most probable number
B. Millions per night
C. Millennium of probable number
D. None of these

Correct Option: A. Most probable number