Which keyboard short cut bold the selected text
  • A. CTRL + B
  • B. ALT + B
  • C. SHIFT+ B
  • D. None A, B, C
The act of retrieving existing data from memory is called
  • A. Read out
  • B. Read from
  • C. Read
  • D. All of above
What is meant by dedicated computer?
  • A. Which is used by one person only
  • B. Which is assigned on and only one task
  • C. Which uses one kind of software
  • D. Which is meant for application software
Which of the following is Used as primary storage device?
  • A. Magnetic drum
  • B. Prom
  • C. Floppy disk
  • D. Ram
Which area in excel window allow for entering values and formulas
  • A. Title bar
  • B. Menu bar
  • C. Formula bar
  • D. Standard tool bar
When the formula bar is active, you can see
  • A. Edit formula button
  • B. The cancel button
  • C. Enter button
  • D. All of the A, B, C
Which button you click to add up a series of numbers
  • A. Formula button
  • B. Auto sum button
  • C. Quick total button
  • D. The total button
The output quality of dot matrix printer is measured by
  • A. Dot per inch
  • B. Dot per square inch
  • C. Dots printed per unit time
  • D. Characters per inch
The Word processing task associated with changing the appearance of document
  • A. Editing
  • B. Writing
  • C. Formatting
  • D. None A, B,