Agriculture Mcqs
Which of the following are cold blooded animals___________________?

A. Human beings
B. Rodents
C. Insects
D. Protozon

The substance used to treat pesticide poisoning is called as_________________?

A. Detoxicant
B. Anti-poison
C. Antitode
D. Anti-pseudo

The viral disease can be controlled by_________________?

A. Organo-chlorine pesticides
B. Pyrethroids
C. Growing resistant varieties
D. None of the above

Whip smut is disease of________________?

A. Wheat
B. Maize
C. Sugarcane
D. Rice

The fungus belonging to order Erysiphales cause_________________?

A. Blights
B. Smuts
C. Powdery mildew
D. None of the above

Lathyrism is nervous disease caused by____________________?

A. Consumption of high carbohydrate foods
B. Low protein foods
C. Consumption of matter over longer periods
D. All the above

Bemesia tabbaci is the name of_________________?

A. Cutworms
B. Jassids
C. White fly
D. Thrips

Heliothus armigera is the name of_____________________?

A. American boll warm
B. Gram pod borer
C. Com cob borer
D. None of the above

the most devastating migratory pest is____________________?

A. Cutworm
B. Army worm
C. Locust
D. None of the above