Forest Nursery Techniques
Mangifere indica period of ripening of seeds is:

A. July – August
B. March – April
C. November – December
D. September – October

Eucalyptus camalldulensis period of ripening of seeds is:

A. September – October
B. March – April
C. February – April
D. May – June

Forest nursery techniques is/are:

A. To make an afforestation/reforestation campaign a success a well-stocked nursery raised on scientific lines is a pre-requisite.
B. The adverse biotic and edaphic factors, failure of most of the planting campaigns in the country
C. Can generally be traced back to poor stock raised in ill-equipped nurseries by the staff, which is often ignorant of the modern techniques of nursery raising and its management
D. All of the above

Acacia nilotica period of ripening of seed is:

A. May – July
B. June – July
C. February – April
D. None of these

Girdling means:

A. Removal of ring of bark to kill
B. While species, of thick bark, fluted, stem, xylem remains present inside
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

Hybrid and deltoids poplars is:

A. Cutting is made from one-year-old plants. Preferably stem cutting of 20-25 cm length and finger thickness are used
B. Where one-year-old plants are produced for panting out. The root-shoot cutting and two cutting from the proximal end of the stem are made from one year old plants
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these

Terminalia arjuna period of ripening of seeds is:

A. January – March
B. February – May
C. November – December
D. None of these

Broussonetia papyrifera period of ripening of seed is:

A. July – September
B. May – August
C. February – April
D. None of these

Azadirachta indica period of ripening of seed is:

A. June – August
B. September – November
C. February – April
D. None of these

Albizzia moluccana period of ripening of seed is:

A. May – June
B. September – November
C. February – April
D. None of these