Marketing Mcqs
The first step in marketing process is to __________?

A. define research objectives
B. develop research plan
C. implement research plan
D. none of above

The changes made in the product characteristics such as quality, style and features are called?

A. modifying marketing mix
B. modifying raw material schedule
C. modifying the product
D. modifying the market

The ‘non-probability sample’ includes?

A. stratified random sample
B. cluster sample
C. simple random sample
D. convenience sample

The strategy of introducing new product in existing market is classified as?

A. Market development
B. Market penetration
C. Product development
D. Diversification

The logistic network which moves finished product from company to resellers and then to end users is classified as?

A. risk averse distribution
B. reverse distribution
C. inbound distribution
D. outbound distribution