Process Equipment and Plant Design
With increase in temperature drop (in a shell and tube heat exchanger), the LMTD correction factor, FT_________________?

A. Decreases very rapidly
B. Increases very rapidly
C. Remains constant
D. Increases linearly

Which of the following efficiencies can be greater than 100% ?

A. Overall plate efficiency
B. Murphree plate efficiency
C. Point efficiency
D. None of these

The thermal stress in a metallic bar does not depend upon the_____________________?

A. Changes in temperature
B. Cross-sectional area
C. Both A. and B.
D. Neither A. nor B.

For a given design of bubble cap, the number of bubble caps to be used per tray is set by the _________________?

A. Allowable gas velocity through the slots
B. Plate spacing
C. Diameter of the column
D. All A., B. and C.

Log mean temperature difference in case of multi-pass shell and tube heat exchanger is always_________________?

A. Less than arithmetic mean value
B. More than arithmetic mean value
C. More than geometric mean value
D. Both B. & C.