Agriculture Mcqs » Agronomy
Botanical name of American cotton is_________________?

A. G. hirsutum
B. G. arborium
C. G. barb dense
D. Non of these

Gassypium arborium is__________________?

A. Tetraploid
B. Diploid
C. Triploid
D. Haploid

Gassypium herbaceum was originated in______________?

A. Ethipia and South Africa
B. Kenya and South Africa
C. Indonesia and Central America
D. South Mexico and Central America

In China, cotton was cultivated as a crop in._______________?

A. 7th century AD
B. 4th century AD
C. 10th century AD
D. 5th century AD

Cotton ginning machine was invented by_______________?

A. William Black
B. Withey
C. Thomas Hough ten
D. Thomas Wilson

In 1991-92 the record production of cotton in Pakistan was_______________?

A. 12800,000 bales
B. 1200,000 bales
C. 1000,000 bales
D. 1100,000 bales