Basic Computer MCQs » MS Powerpoint MCQs
Which command Is used to open PowerPoint file?

A. ppt.exe
B. powerpnt.exe
C. Mspoint.exe
D. None of these

Which type of view is not present in MS PowerPoint?

A. Outline
B. Slides
C. Notes
D. All of above are available

What do you use to create a chart ?

A. Pie Wizard B. Excel Wizard C. Data Wizard D. Chart Wizard

To resume the Slide show in PowerPoint:

A. Shift +F2
B. Shift +F3
C.Shift +F4
D. Shift +F5

 How to go to the previous Slide in PowerPoint? 

A. Tab
B. Back key arrow
C. Backspace
D. None of these

 To end the Slide show in PowerPoint:

A. Esc
B. End
C. Delete
D.None of these