Computer Science MCQs » Software Development MCQs
RAD stands for:

A) Rapid Application Development
B) Relative Application Development
C) Rapid Application Document
D) Rational Application Document

Which one of the following model is not suitable for accommodating any change?

A) Build & Fix Model
B) Prototyping Model
C) RAD Model
D) Waterfall Model

Which one of the following is not a phase of the Prototyping Model?

A) Quick Design
B) Coding
C) Prototype Refinement
D) Engineer Product

RAD Model has ….?

A) 2 phases
B) 3 phase
C) 5 phases
D) 6 phases

What is the major drawback of using RAD Model?

A) Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required
B) Increases reusability of components
C) Encourages customer/client feedback
D) Increases reusability of components, Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required

SDLC stands for ……?

A) Software Development Life Cycle
B) System Development Life cycle
C) Software Design Life Cycle
D) System Design Life Cycle

Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?

A) Waterfall Model
B) Prototyping Model
C) RAD Model
D) both Prototyping Model & RAD Model