Software Engineering Mcqs » Java concepts and its programming
Java is a _______________language?

A. moderate typed
B. strogly typed
C. weakly typed
D. none of these

Which class cannot be subclassed (or extended) in java ?

A. Final class
B. abstract class
C. parent class
D. None of above

Which statement is static and synchronized in JDBC API ?

A. getConnection()
B. executeQuery()
C. prepareCall()
D. executeUpdate()

Inheritance means ?

A. Sub class create object of super class
B. Sub class extends Base class
C. Sub class extends super class
D. All of the above

Java intermediate code is known as_________________?

A. Byte code
B. First code
C. Mid code
D. None of above

What is jdb_________________?

A. java Disassemble
B. java Interpreter
C. java compiler
D. java debugger

In which we clone the object and their constituent parts_______________?

A. Deep cloning
B. Shallow cloning
C. Both of above
D. None of above

Object which can store group of other objects is called___________________?

A. Package
B. Wrapper
C. Java object
D. Collection object

Which of the following automatic type conversion will be possible ?

A. byte to int
B. short to int
C. long to int
D. int to long

Which is the predefined package ?

A. Lang package
B. util package
C. io package
D. All of above